Arvato Systems – CA Services

Provisioning of a virtual smartcard

Please take enough time and close all other applications and concentrate on the provisioning process! Thank you!
This should help to prevent errors. Now follow the steps in this manual.
  1. Click on the link to the USSP in the mail you received.
  2. The USSP opens via your default browser.
  3. Enter your registration data in the form of an email address ( and BGROUP password.
  4. Click on "Sign in".
  5. Click on the open task "Create Virtual Smartcard > Info".
  6. Read the instructions and proceed with "Next".
  7. Click on "Open Smart ID Desktop App".
  8. Wait for the Smart ID Desktop App to open. After a short while, a pop-up should appear to create a PIN.
    In case of an error, please contact the ServiceDesk
  9. Assign a secure PIN according to the VSC password requirements and click "OK".
  10. Another pop-up will open asking for the PIN you just created. Enter the PIN and click "OK".
  11. In order to install the certificates on your computer, a pop-up window will open and you will have to click on "Allow".
  12. Wait until the message "Provisioning completed" appears. In case of an error, please contact the ServiceDesk
    Upon successful completion, the Smart ID Desktop App will move to the background.
  13. Now follow the instructions in the USSP by clicking on "Next".
  14. You should return to the home page in the USSP and no open task should be visible.
  15. If everything went well, please log out by clicking the button "Sign out".
    If there is an open task or other errors occured, please contact the ServiceDesk
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